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Balancing Act – How to manage your time when you work for yourself

Jan 30, 2014

Being a freelancer or a soloist, there is always a balancing act between working on the business, in the business, lots of distractions and not enough time to do everything you want so I thought I’d share my time management tricks.

My time management Tricks

Start the day with making the to-do-list

I try to start the day with listing up the priorities. List top 3 if a must do such as jobs to actioned or proposal to make.

I have also written up my “Biz Amazing Habits’ (taking from Leonie Dawson’s advice. She’s fab if you haven’t discovered here, check her out at http://leoniedawson.com) and put it up on my wall.  I choose to do mundane things first things in the morning before I get on to designing jobs. This includes blog post updates, newsletter preps, emails and book keeping. Once I get them out of the way, i could start concentrating on creating and making things pretty for my clients.

Stick to the list..

Because otherwise there’s no point of doing a list… which is sometimes a problem for me!

Disconnect when working

Too much distraction on the internet that I have started to disconnect myself of social media while I am working and my productivity has increased.

Process emails twice a day

Emails really take my time when I do it randomly and I had found myself checking emails every few minutes and responding to them straight away that a big chunk of time was taken for that part of housekeeping. I have since decided that I will only respond to emails in the morning and in the afternoon before I log out.

Single Task (Focus Your Attention)

This is such a good advice from Leonie Dawson. How many times do you try to multitask and ended up not finishing any of them? I am guilty of this. Focusing in one task at a time actually increase your productivity and the quality of the job.

Don’t forget to take a break!

I walk away from my desk every now and then to get a break. Ok it’s really not easy especially when you are on fire but getting fresh air helps you from the creative-block, writer-block or whatever it is you are doing. So go out the back and smell those flowers!




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