7 ways to improve your website conversion rate
You’ve built your site, you’re doing everything right and still, there you’re struggling to get people converting on your site. It could be because so many sites are out there competing for attention. Or it could be that your website just isn’t that great at getting...
5 Tips For Working With A Web Designer
Whether you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner, you will most likely need to design your own websites. In this digital age, it has become extremely easy to create your own online presence with the help of a great web designer. To give your business...
How to select Wordpress Hosting
One of the requirement for having a website is a hosting, but with so many options out there, how do you know what is the best? We explained the difference between cloud hosting, shared hosting and many more to help you decide which hosting is the best for you. If...
Children’s Psychologists and Therapist Logo Designs
How to design the perfect logo for your child/pediatric psychology and therapy business As a child or family psychologist and therapist, you might already understand how important it is to have a logo that reflects the type of work you do. The most important feature...
How to Rank Higher in Google: 10 Simple SEO Tips – Lollipop Creative Studio
Have you ever wondered how Google ranks your website? It all boils down to a few major factors: on-page SEO, user experience, and site speed.. In that vein, this post outlines 10 simple SEO tips that you can apply right now that will help improve your site’s...
What is a Single (one Page Website) and how do I use it in my business?
If you've been struggling to find a way to present yourself on the web, a single page website might just be the answer. A single-page website is a one-page design to show case your products, personal resume, portfolio or simple offering. One-page websites are common...
Ways You can Nurture Your Customers
Nurturing your customers is a powerful tool to create brand loyalty, audience growth, better connection with customers, and get you some helpful insight into what your target audience will resonate with. It is a fantastic way, o connect with customers in a...
Ways to get Local Reviews
Whether you are a service based business, shops with brick and mortar, restaurants or online shops, you will know that reviews are really important for the business. Research also shows that more than 50% of purchasers look for reviews first before they commit to...
5 Things to include in your psychologist or therapist website design
One of the things that are on the checklist for female psychologists or therapists when they decided to branch out and set up their own clinic is a website. Most of our clients come to Lollipop Creative because we build website for psychologists and therapists who...

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