Mathilda’s Market

May 6, 2009

Received these gorgeous photos  in my inbox this morning from our friends Anne & Sue from Mathilda’s Market.

Mathilda’s Market is a fabulous niche market that offers unique, stylish and affordable baby & kids goods that are lovingly handmade or from limited production line. The retailers are hand pick to ensure an exciting product range, and most of them do not have a shop front, so you know you’ll find something special, not available anywhere else. Mathilda’s Market is coming up in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth in June & July. With up to 70 gorgeous stalls, yummy food, free kids entertainment, this is a fantastic day out for young & old. For a sneak peek, have a look at the gallery on Mathilda’s Market website ( ) and enjoy browse through past Markets.

Maybe one day Lollipop Baby can be part of this market to showcase our range of quirky baby t-shirts and onesies. Hopefully in the near future!



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