Something fishy

Feb 8, 2009

Ummph Well, not really…

The B clan (that’s us) went for a weekend away to Anglesea with the Qs, very closed friends of ours. They go there one week in February every year and stay in this little holiday unit that Warren’s parent have a share in. We always try to come down there for the weekend when they are there and have a little weekend away. First time we went there I was very heavily pregnant with Oliver. So heavily pregnant that I might actually started contraction there (but fortunately not).  We didn’t go last year because Oliver had just started to crawl and we didn’t think crawling and fishing go well together.

Therefore, it is Oliver’s first fishing weekend away and he was so keen in holding the rod for dad and helping him winding up the line.

Needless to say, we didn’t really catch any fish since the line is more often above the water than it is in. O practically leaned over the pier while holding the fishing rod. I was too busy trying to ‘rescue’ him to take any photos but will steal some from the Q’s camera and put them up here when I get a moment.

When we got home though, I was inspired to create this design for the Lollipop Baby collection. For anyone else who has a toddler, I highly recommend doing this: fishing from the glass bowl is much more relaxing and enjoyable (for the mothers).

Gone Fishing

Check it out on Lollipop Baby label grooves up babies with our quirky and personalised t-shirts and onesies.

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