
Adding New Post (for Blogs or Articles)

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To add a new Post, hover over the Posts menu option in the left-hand navigation menu and in the fly-out menu, click the Add New link. Alternatively, click the Posts menu option and then click the Add New link underneath, or the Add New button at the top of the page. You will be presented with a page similar to the image below.

Adding a New Post

You can add your content straight away.  (Learn how to add content with the visual builder here).

There are a few options available when you added your content:

Changing Post Format


A Post Format is meta information that can be used within a Theme to style or customise the presentation of a Post. The Post Formats feature provides a standardised list of formats that are available to all themes that support the feature. There is no requirement for Themes to support every format on the list and new formats cannot be introduced by themes or even plugins.

While the actual post content entry won’t change, the theme can use the selected Format to display the post differently. How content is displayed is entirely up to the Theme, but the following list of available Post Formats provides some general WordPress guidelines as to how they might be styled.

Standard – This is the standard/default blog post format.
Aside – Typically styled without a title. Similar to a Facebook note update
Audio – An audio file, such as a Podcast
Chat – A chat transcript
Gallery – A gallery of images. Post will likely contain a gallery shortcode and will have image attachments
Image – A single image
Link – A link to another site
Quote – A quotation, most likely contained within a blockquote
Status – A short status update, similar to a Twitter status update
Video – A single video

Adding Categories within your Post

Adding Categories whilst editing your Post will automatically assign those Categories to your Post.

The Categories panel can be found just below the Format panel if your Theme supports Post Formats. Alternatively, it will reside just below the Publish panel. To add an existing Category, simply tick the checkbox(es) next to the Categories you’d like to assign to the Post.

If you would like to create a new Category and assign it to the Post at the same time, click the + Add New Category link. Two fields will then appear. Type the name of the Category that you’d like to add into the empty input field. If you’d like the new Category to have a Parent, select it from the Parent Category dropdown list. Click the Add New Category button when done to create the Category and automatically assign it to the Post.

Categories within your PostSetting a Featured Image

A Featured Image, often called a Post/Page Thumbnail, is usually some sort of image that is representative for that particular Page or Post. How these images are displayed is dependent entirely on the Theme that is currently in use.

After clicking the Set featured image link a pop-up window will display that looks similar to the one that displays when you add an image to your Page/Post. You can upload a new image to use as your Featured Image or you can simply choose from one of your previously uploaded images.

By default, you’ll be shown a list of the previously uploaded images. If you’d like to upload a new image, you can either click on the Upload Files link at the top of the pop-up window and then click the Select Files button, alternatively, simply drag ’n drop your image into the pop-up window. After clicking the image you’d like to use as your featured image you can then update the Title, Caption, Alt Text and Description. To set the image as your Featured Image, click the Set featured image button. Your chosen image will then appear in the Featured Image panel.

Recommended size for feature image: 1280x654px


Inserting Video, Audio or Other File Type


The procedure for inserting any other type of file into your Page/Post is exactly the same as Inserting an Image. Simply click the Add Media button (Add Media). Once the relevant pop-up window displays, perform the same steps to upload your file to your site and to insert it into your Page or Post.

When inserting video or audio files, you can select Embed Media Player from the Embed or Link dropdown list in the Insert Media pop-up window to use the audio and video players that are now built into WordPress. Supported audio/video formats include M4a, MP4, OGG, WebM, FLV, MP3, and WAV files.

It’s recommended that you make your filename “server friendly”. Make sure the filename has no spaces, apostrophes, slashes or other non-alphanumeric characters (such as $, % and &). Rename the file before uploading if it does. To preserve readability, some people replace spaces with the underline character or hyphen. For instance, My File Name.txt becomes My_File_Name.txt or My-File-Name.txt


Embedding a Video, Image or Other Content


Another way to add video or other content into your pages is through embedding. A popular example of this is embedding a YouTube video into your page.

When you’re embedding a file, there’s no need to upload the file to your site. You’re basically just creating a link to the file, from within your own page. WordPress is able to automatically embed files from a number of different services.

To embed something into your Post or Page, simply paste the URL into your content area. The URL needs to be on its own line and not hyperlinked.

When embedding content in this manner (as opposed to using the embed shortcode mentioned below), your url will change to show a preview of that content. For example, when embedding a video from YouTube, after pasting in the URL to the editor, it will magically change to show the actual video content, right there in the editor.

WordPress will automatically embed content from the following sites:
Amazon Kindle
Speaker Deck
YouTube (Only public and “unlisted” videos and playlists)

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