Have questions? I can help!
Getting Started
- Quick edit your website
- Understanding Sections, Rows and Modules
- Rearrange Sections, Rows or Modules
- Duplicate Sections, Rows and Modules
- Visibility of Sections, Rows or Modules
- Editing Text, Images and Other Modules via Visual Builder
- Enable/Disable Coming Soon Page
- Configuring your Email Optin ( For Newsletter)
- Configuring your Contact Form
- Templates - Read First
- Ava - Fonts
- Ava - Important Plugin
- Ava - Using Blank Page Templates for your pages
- Ava - Sales page: Customising Hero Section
- Ava - Sales page: Customising Course Modules
- Ava - Sales page: Customising Blurb Section
- Ava - Sales Page: Customising Payment Plan
- Ava - Thank you page: Customising Background and Overlay in Website Template
- Ava - Thank you Page: Customising Next Steps Section
- Articles coming soon
The free Google fonts used are:
Heading: Cormorant Upright
Body text: Raleway
These fonts are already set as defaults on your templates, but I do recommend following these steps as a fall back:
1. Go to Divi > Theme Customizer General Setting: Site Identity: Add your Site title, tagline and site icon Layout setting; you can keep most of them as it is but make sure you change the theme accent colour to your branding colour
2. Typography: Set up the default fonts with the font that you would like to use. We will be using global preset but the fonts in this section act as a fallback.