
Divi Global Colours

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Divi Global Presets

We use Global presets on your modules.

When you change a global preset, all elements using that preset are updated (such as font, colour. That means you control your entire website’s scheme from a single location while using the builder, adding and managing modules as you see fit.

Learn More about Global Presets here.

You can individually set up the modules with default presets, or using the Global Preset Style Guide included in your template kit so you can make all the global changes in one document. (See the next tab to learn how to use the Global Preset Style Guide).

Editing the Default Presets

Tweak the default styles of your templates for a module, row, or section on the templates by following these steps:

  1. Open the settings for the Module, Row, or Section and click on the three vertical dots located at the top right corner of the settings window.
  2. Click Edit Preset Style.  Editing interface of a text module is shown, including visual and text tabs with formatting options.Editing interface of a text module is shown, including visual and text tabs with formatting options.
  3. Navigate through the  Content, Design and Advanced  tabs to make your desired changes.

    Customize Divi Preset


  4. Hit the Save icon and confirm your changes by clicking Yes.
    Save Divi preset changes

You’ve successfully updated the default (global) preset. While the modifications will apply to all existing Divi elements of the type you edited, any prior customisations to Divi’s default options remain unaffected. Your changes have essentially set a new default.


Applying Customised Styles to the Active Preset

If you made changes on any module and you’d like to apply them as an active preset, here’s what you have to do:

  1. Click on the three vertical dots at the top right corner of the settings window and select Apply Styles To Active Preset.
  2. Confirm your choice in the subsequent window.

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