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Importing Divi theme builder files (inc. header/footer)
Importing Divi theme builder files (inc. header/footer)
Your template kit also include:
- global header/footer
- global blog post template
- 404 page
- search result template
Tips: to make it easier for you, we have the file containing multiple templates in one file. You can find it in the folder called Divi Theme Builder in your template files
To install them on your website, follow these instructions:
From your WordPress Dashboard, go to Theme Builder, and click the Import & Export button at the top left of the page
Then select the Import Tab.
Choose the file called “Divi Theme Builder’ from your downloads.
If you are importing templates to an empty theme builder, the options don’t apply so you can leave them checked.
After that, click the import button.
That’s it! All the templates contained in the file will be magically imported to your website with all the Global areas and assignments in place. All you have to do now is click to save changes.