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Importing template layouts to Divi Library
The best way to add these layouts is to import them into the Divi Library first. Then, when creating a new page, you can add the new layout from your library.
Before you add the layouts to your website, you need to download the layout pack and unzip the file.
From your WordPress Dashboard, go to Divi > Divi Library and click the Import & Export button at the top left of the page.
In the portability modal that pops up, select the import tab and click choose file. Find the unzipped layout pack folder and select the json file named “Layout Pack” in the filename. This will upload all of the layouts to your library at once, instead of having to do each of them individually.
You can choose whether or not to include presets by ticking the include presets checkbox. If you want to keep all the global presets from the layouts, make sure you tick this option.