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Post vs Page
WordPress is built around two basic concepts. Posts and Pages. Posts are typically blog entries. A series of articles, listed (usually) reverse-chronologically. Pages are used for more static content (i.e. content that doesn’t change or changes infrequently). An ‘About us’ page is an example of a Page on a typical website. In most cases you’ll find that the content in the ‘About us’ page doesn’t change all that frequently.
Now, you might be thinking, “but I don’t need a blog”. This might be true, but you can also use the blog concept if you have a site where you need to display your ‘latest news’ or even just company updates. Basically, any information that gets updated on a semi-regular basis can benefit from the ‘blog’ functionality. Whether that’s a traditional blog, your company’s ‘latest news’ or even just your own personal updates.
At the top of the page you can view how many Posts in total you have in your site, how many have been published by yourself or Published, Scheduled, Sticky, Pending, in Draft or in the Trash.
When hovering your cursor over each row, a few links will appear beneath the Post title.
Edit – Will allow you to edit your Post. This is the same as clicking on the Post title
Quick Edit – Allows you to edit basic Post information such as Title, Slug, Date plus a few other options
Trash– Will send the Post to the Trash. Once the Trash is emptied, the page is deleted
View – Displays the Post. If the Post hasn’t been published yet, this will say Preview Next to each Post title is a checkbox. This allows you to perform an action on multiple items at once. You simply check the Posts that you would like to affect and then from the Bulk Actions dropdown select either the Edit option or the Move to Trash option and then click the Apply button. The Edit option will allow you to edit the Categories, Tags, Author, whether to allow Comments and Pings or not, the Status and whether or not the Posts are ‘Sticky’. The Move to Trash option will move the selected items to the Trash.
You can also filter the pages that are displayed using the dropdown lists and the Filter button.
Clicking the Screen Options button at the top-right of the screen allows you to change how the Posts list is displayed. Click the List View option to display the posts in the traditional List View or click the Excerpt View option to display a short excerpt from the Post underneath the Post title. You can also hide various columns from view if you don’t want to see them. Clicking the Apply button will save your changes.
At the top of the page you can view how many Pages in total you have in your site, how many have been published by yourself or how many are Published or in Draft.
When hovering your cursor over each row, a few links will appear beneath the Page title.
Edit – Will allow you to edit your Page. This is the same as clicking on the Page title
Quick Edit – Allows you to edit basic Page information such as Title, Slug, Date plus a few other options
Trash – Will send the Page to the Trash. Once the Trash is emptied, the page is deleted
View– Displays the Page. If the Page hasn’t been published yet, this will say Preview Next to each Page title is a checkbox. This allows you to perform an action on multiple items at once. You simply check the Pages that you would like to affect and then from the Bulk Actions dropdown select either the Edit option or the Move to Trash option and then click the Apply button. The Edit option will allow you to edit the Author, Parent, Template, whether to allow Comments or not and the Status of each of the checked items. The Move to Trash option will move the selected items to the Trash.
You can also filter the pages that are displayed using the dropdown list and the Filter button.