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7 ways to improve your website conversion rate

Aug 15, 2022

You’ve built your site, you’re doing everything right and still, there  you’re struggling to get people converting on your site.

It could be because so many sites are out there competing for attention.

Or it could be that your website just isn’t that great at getting people through the gates.

Whatever the reason, if you want more people interacting with your site, then the first step isto  improve your conversion rate.


“Conversion rate is simply a measure of the percentage of visitors to your website that complete a desired goal (a conversion) out of the total number of visitors.”


If your site is struggling to get more visitors, but you know from experience that not enough visitors means not enough conversions, then try this: add some new traffic-generating content to every new page on your site. There are a number of other strategies you can use to improve the success of your website and increase the number of visits in return. In this article we will discuss seven ways to improve your website conversion rate.

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Tip 1: Create a simple call to action

What happen when your clients visit your site, but don’t click on any of your link? Then they’re going to leave without converting. So, the first thing you should do is change the way you’re asking people to do things. Instead of asking people to “visit our site” or “read our content”, you need to ask people to “sign-up” or “make a purchase”. These are the actions that are going to increase your conversion rate, such as to get people onto your mailing list and in the long term, these are the actions you want to take to increase your revenue,.


Tip 2: Use Social Proofs

 Social proof is a tried and tested way to add the trust factor to your website. Seeing that another customer had a positive experience with your brand is a huge factor in a purchase decision. Consider adding testimonials, case studies, and recommendations to your website.


Tip 3: Use video to entice visitors

Video is a fantastic way to connect with your audience. It’s a great way to add value, and provide a comprehensive overview of the products and services you offer. You can use videos to explain your products and services, to explain how to use them, and, of course, to entice visitors to take action.


Tip 4: Measure the performance of your site

When you’re working out how best to improve your website’s conversion rate, you need to measure the performance of your site. This will help you to see if you’ve made any improvements and if there are any issues that need to be addressed immediately.
Products such as hotjar track how people navigate through your website, as well as how they use your site. This can help you to make the changes that optimise their experience.


Tip 5: Add live chat

If somebody is visiting your website for the first time, they might have an urgent question they need an answer to. Whether this question is answered, could be the deciding factor between them making a purchase from you or not. If a visitor asks a question on your website, consider adding “live chat”. This will allow visitors to get help and answers from a sales representative as soon as possible.


Tip 6: Use A / B testing

When you use split testing, you gain valuable insight into what elements on your website perform better than others. This is a fantastic way to improve your conversion rate. You can split test variations of headlines, images, website copy, and more.


Tip 7: Add Optin on every page

If your goal is to increase the number of your subscribers, sdding optin on every page will greatly increase the chances of someone signing up. Once someone has signed up, you’ll be able to collect their email address and get in touch with them with an email campaign.




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