Branding Strategies – How to Choose a Business Name

Feb 10, 2014

Last week, I talked about rebranding and when you should start to consider rebranding. This week, i would like to talk about elements of branding and your branding strategies. This week we’ll be talking about brand name.


The one thing I recommend to my client when choosing a brand name is to keep it versatile. Versatility is important just incase you are thinking to diversify or expand on later stage (I learnt it the hard way. Never did I imagine when I started my baby online business that I would have ended up using my graphic design skills for clients rather than designing those baby t-shirts. Hence the name Lollipop Baby was not relevant anymore!


The world is full of competitions, saturated informationa, and similar names. If you really want it to stand up from the competition,  you need to make sure your brand name is unique and different. Having said that though, make sure it is simple enough so your prospective customers remember what it is!


Unique names are usually more memorable than ordinary name.  I love names that are different – “Notable Imprint” (a design & printing company in South Australia), “Navy Crockett”  ( They are just more attractive and memorable!


If there’s a story behind the name, let your customer knows. It’s such a great publicity – gives the personality to your brand. In 2013 I designed a logo for a Baby business called “Hello Charlie”. Upon the brainstorming, I discover that the name is “something that we would call our next dog” and that “we have a Jack Russell dog that always come to our warehouse/office and everyone knows him”. I really think it’s a great story and showing the company’s personality, so we came up with a gorgeous logo with a dog and a bird  below. It is also memorable as it is different, unique and showing a story behind it!

Hello Charlie Logo Design



Linda Bradley is a web/graphic designer residing in Melbourne. She works with small businesses, sole traders and women entrepreneurs by helping them to create their unique business identity (logo) and branding that represent their values and beliefs, so they will market their products and service proudly and with confidence.

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