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Website Pop Ups Do’s and Don’ts

Apr 12, 2023

Website pop-ups can be effective in capturing attention, promoting offers, and engaging visitors, but they can also be intrusive if not used wisely. Here are some dos and don’ts for using website pop-ups:


  • Clearly communicate the value: If you’re using a pop-up to promote an offer or collect email addresses, make sure the value of the offer is clear and compelling. Clearly communicate what visitors will receive in exchange for their information.
  • Use a clear call-to-action (CTA): Your pop-up should have a clear and prominent CTA that tells visitors what to do next. Use action-oriented language and make the CTA easy to find and click.
  • Keep it simple and visually appealing: A cluttered or visually overwhelming pop-up can be off-putting. Keep your pop-up design simple, visually appealing, and aligned with your overall website design.
  • Make it easy to close: Always include a clearly visible and easy-to-find close button on your pop-up. Visitors should be able to close the pop-up quickly and easily if they’re not interested.
  • Use targeting and timing wisely: Use targeting options such as exit intent, scroll percentage, or time delay to ensure your pop-up appears at the right moment. Show your pop-up to relevant visitors who are more likely to engage with it.



  • Overuse pop-ups: Avoid using too many pop-ups on your website, as this can lead to a negative user experience. Multiple pop-ups can be annoying and may cause visitors to leave your site.
  • Interrupt the user flow: Pop-ups that interrupt the user’s flow or cover up content can be frustrating. Avoid pop-ups that disrupt the user experience, such as those that appear immediately upon landing on a page or while a user is in the middle of reading content.
  • Make it hard to close: Avoid pop-ups that are difficult to close or that have small, hard-to-find close buttons. Visitors should be able to easily close the pop-up if they’re not interested.
  • Use misleading or aggressive language: Avoid using aggressive or misleading language in your pop-up, such as “You must sign up now!” or “Don’t miss out!” This can create a sense of urgency or pressure that may be off-putting to visitors.
  • Collect unnecessary information: Keep your pop-up forms simple and only collect the information that is necessary. Asking for too much information can be a barrier to engagement and may discourage visitors from filling out the form.

Remember, website pop-ups should enhance the user experience, provide value, and align with your website’s overall design and messaging. By following these dos and don’ts, you can create effective and user-friendly pop-ups that engage visitors without being intrusive.

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