How having a brand personality will help you stand out of the crowd

Mar 16, 2021

Your brand is the key to the heart and soul of your business identity.


Great branding tells story about you, your passions, and your values. It resonates and connects to your tribe. But do you know what makes your business special?

I have written a great deal about Branding Basic – the who, the what, the where and the how here. Many small businesses don’t realise important of building a brand personality.


What is brand personality? 

Brand personality is a sense of attitude, style and tone of your brand. Think about your own personality, or your friends. As human,  we all have more than one word that describe our personality. We could be outdoorsy, adventurous and outgoing, or we can be feminine and homey, and cozy. 

You might be an outdoor person but your hiking buddy is different from you because they have different traits than you apart from the same outdoor interest. Think of how the dynamic would shift if we replaced Feminine with Masculine, or Adventurous with Cozy.

Now think about your branding – this personality is what set you apart from the other businesses who are in the same space, same industry and servicing the same tribe.


How to find your truly brand personality? 


Find your unique value and make it visible

Do you know what about your business that makes you different from your competitors? What is the one thing you provide to your customers that others can’t?

Getting clarity on what makes you different, your passions and how you can help others is one of the key points to set up your difference against your competitors. Maybe you were in the same position before and had to come up with solution and now you just wanted to help others overcome the same issue? Maybe you are passionate about a cause that you believe it and want to make a difference – why was it that made your so passionate?






Trigger words are sets of human characters that you would like your customers to associate with your brand.  Get playful and find adjectives that will truly convey your brand – ie. Professional, trustworthy, fun.

Once you work out your adjectives, we can hone out your brand tone to help communicate with your customers. 





Really knowing who your audience are will help you to align your brand personality with them. Try to identify who your ideal customer would be. What do they like? Where do they hang out? What age range are they in? 



Set your brand tone

The brand tone is a sense of attitude, style and voice of your brand. Set a tone that your audience will connect with, and make sure to stay consistent with it. If you jump from conversational to formal, you’re telling your customer that you’re not in tune with what they want.



Get visual

Now you have sense of your brand personality, itis time to explore the existing world of visuals. Logo, graphics, colours, website that all tie in with your brand personality will enchance your business and get your audience to react emotionally to your offer.



And now that you know your way around a brand personality … are you ready to create one for yourself?

Let’s do it!

I partner with fierce females just like you to cultivate a visual identity and website that helps you destroy your business goals and conquer your competition. Ready to play?  

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